Greenville County
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Emergency Medical Services
Clinical Services Overview
Clinical Services
Community Outreach Photo

The Clinical Services Division encompasses all learning and development activities for the department including initial and continuing education. The division also includes all quality improvement activities that coincide with the educational components as part of the feedback loop. Each Clinical Education and Quality Improvement Specialist is cross-trained in both disciplines which expands the cadre of specialists to accomplish all clinical goals. A close working relationship exists between this division and the Medical Director and Assistant Medical Directors.

The division has been instrumental in developing projects that have expanded and improved the scope of practice for both EMTs and paramedics. Pilot programs were developed and approved by the South Carolina Bureau of EMS in caring for patients suspected of having a diagnosis of sepsis by meeting systemic inflammatory response syndrome and septic shock. This protocol included drawing the first set of blood cultures followed by the early prehospital administration of broad-spectrum antibiotics in the field. The success of this program culminated in a National publication and adoption at the state level for an expanded scope of practice. The Community Paramedic Program team was instrumental in developing a vaccination education and administration skills protocol that was adopted by the State so paramedics are now allowed to administer vaccines which was especially helpful for the Covid-19 pandemic community response for testing and immunization administration. Since Greenville County EMS is a tiered response design, our Quality Improvement team noted that EMT crews were often calling for paramedic back-up for calls where pain control was needed. To address this concern of having 2 ambulances on a single call, a protocol for nitrous oxide administration by EMTs was developed and presented to the State and was subsequently approved as a pilot project. This has proven extremely beneficial with successful pain relief and no adverse outcomes. This program is in the process of receiving full approval.

Scholarly research activities are ongoing with affiliation with the University of South Carolina School of Medicine Greenville, Clemson University School of Health Research, Bon Secours St. Francis Health, and Prisma Health.


In the dynamic field of medicine, the prehospital provider is challenged with current knowledge and trends in evidence-based medicine and advancements. Greenville County EMS is committed to providing exceptional prehospital care so extreme importance is placed on the quality of education provided. Medical simulation is the cornerstone of all programs. As such, the department has numerous high-fidelity simulators of all types, a digital 3-dimensional Anatomage Table, a 3-dimensional printer, and comprehensive driving simulator designed for emergency vehicle operations.

The Division is responsible for multiple educational opportunities including the following:

Community Outreach Photo
  • Monthly continuing education programs for Greenville County EMS and County first responder agencies
  • Lectures provided by Bon Secours St. Francis Health and Prisma Health emergency and specialty physicians
  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support
  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support
  • Advanced Prehospital Trauma Life Support
  • Advanced Medical Life Support
  • EMS Vehicle Operator Safety
  • Other National Association of EMT courses
EMS Academy

To address the EMS workforce shortages inherent across the United States including the Upstate Carolinas region, Greenville County EMS started an in-house EMT Academy to train team members at no cost to the student; however, each graduate does have a 2-year work obligation. Interested and selected team members have the opportunity to participate in the Academy as an overtime incentive. Plans are being developed to start a similar program at the paramedic level. Click here for more information.

Quality Improvement

The Quality Improvement team is dedicated to reviewing performance at all levels. A comprehensive electronic database is managed by a team of experts as this drives all decisions for clinical excellence. Activities include the following:

  • Patient care report reviews
  • Protocol review and assessment
  • Established key performance indicators that are consistently reviewed and reported
  • Receiving and reviewing hospital outcomes using a health data exchange platform
  • Participation in the Cardiac Arrest Program to Enhance Survival (CARES) registry
  • Emphasis on just culture and patient safety
Patient Care Protocols
  • Click here to see the Greenville County Patient Care Protocols.
  • Click here to see the Clinical Operating Guidelines for COVID PPE.
  • Click here to see the Clinical Operating Guidelines for Hazardous Materials.
Education Calendar

This calendar is for registration of all classes, including Continuing Education Program sessions, offered or approved by Greenville County EMS. Click here to register.

Student 3rd Rider Schedule

Serving as the largest and busiest EMS system in South Carolina, Greenville County EMS allows EMT and paramedic students from outside educational institutions to ride with our teams as part of their clinical experiential activities. Click here for this month's schedule.

Agency 360 Employee Access

click here for employee access.

DHEC Continuing Education Program Manual
Click here to view DHEC's CEP Manual.
