Due to Hurricane Helene, all online tax transaction fees will be absorbed by the county effective October 1st through October 31st to reduce incoming traffic and assist with your safety.

*If you paid your tax bill on 9/30 or later and were charged a fee for processing, that fee will be reimbursed by Greenville County through October 31, 2024.

Greenville County
Search GreenvilleCounty.org:
i.e. "Pay my taxes", "Parks & Recreation", "Marriage Licenses", etc.
Engineering & Maintenance
Road & Drainage Improvement Projects
Annual Paving Program

County Roads are resurfaced annually as part of the Prescription for Progress road improvement program. The resurfacing projects include dirt and gravel road paving, pavement recycling, full-depth patching, and conventional asphalt overlay. Roads are selected for resurfacing based on pavement condition evaluations by geotechnical consultants. Roads with the lowest Overall Condition Index (OCI) are added to the paving list. The type of resurfacing option(s) to be used on selected roads is determined after further investigation of the existing pavement thickness, subgrade condition, traffic use, and other factors.

Pave List
