Greenville County
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Long Range Planning

Bike Locker Placement Survey
 Posted: 08/06/15 2:28 PM by Andrew Ratchford

Take survey here.

Cycling in the Greenville area has really taken off. There are tons of places you can bike to all over the county and demand shows that there are not enough end-of-trip storage options for cyclists. We need your help to determine where the demand for bike lockers is to help us determine where to place them and where they should be placed. 

Click here to take the Bike Locker Placement Survey

Greenville County and Greenville County Rec in partnership with Greenlink and the City of Greenville are pursuing possible funding to install additional bike lockers in Greenville County. The Bike Locker Rental program began in 2012 with the installation of two bike lids on Richardson Street outside the Greenlink Transit Center and two in the Spring Street Garage. The purpose of this survey is to help determine the locations of future bike lockers based on the needs and desires of existing and potential renters.

Bike lockers rent for $50 for a six month lease through Greenlink.

If you want to learn what a bike locker is please visit here.

Take survey here.

