Forensic Division

Greenville County Forensic Division Customer Survey

  1. What was your role in your most recent interaction with the Greenville County Forensic Division?

    Please list the names of the employee(s) who interacted with you, if available.
  2. Please provide your case number, if available.
  3. What service did you receive or request from the Greenville County Forensic Division?

  4. How respectful was the employee of the Forensic Division to you?

  5. How responsive was the Forensic Division employee(s) to your needs?

  6. How professional were the employees you encountered?

  7. How well did the employees communicate with you?

  8. How satisfied were you with the service you received?

  9. Did the employee(s) resolve your issue?
    If not please elaborate.
  10. Please provide any feedback or suggestions on your experience with the Greenville County Forensic Division and/or how we can improve our service.
  11. If you wish to be contacted regarding your survey responses, please provide your name, email, and/or telephone number.