Real Property Details

Details for Tax Year 2022


Map #: 0535020107000
Tax Year: 2022 * Check Year *
District: 195
Owner(s): Spurgeon Alton B
Spurgeon Dorethea C
Previous Owner: Spurgeon Dorethea C
Care Of:
Mailing Address: Po Box 883 Taylors, SC 29687


Acreage: 0.241
Description: 44
Location: 23932 Enoree Ct
Subdivision: Holly Vista
Deed Book-Page: 1937 - 669
Deed Date: 12/28/2000
Sale Price:
Plat Book-Page:


Jurisdiction: 1 (County Jurisdiction)
Homestead Code: No
Assessment Class: OT - Non-Legal Residence


Land Use: 1180 (Residential Vacant)


Fair Market Value: 3,720
Taxable Market Value: 3,720
Total Rollback:
Taxes: $371.75 (due)
Contact Tax Collector's Office
If there are any prior tax years with an outstanding balance, you will not be able to pay any of the subsequent years until the earliest balances have been paid. You may make those payments by either selecting that tax year above and submitting a payment online, or coming to the Greenville County office to make full payment. Payments online may take up to 5 business days to be applied to your balance.
Tax Year Account Number Amount Due
2018 201800023449377001 $253.52
2019 201900023651677001 $138.67
2020 202000022611277001 $259.45
2021 202100022907177001 $400.64